actions in niger

Since 2008, Citizen of the Streets Niger has been offering an individualised educational support system that enables the team to work towards the social and family reinsertion of street children in Niamey. An integration path marked out by several complementary and progressive measures has been developed
The Care and Listening Centre is a place where children can meet an adult, share their difficulties, be listened to, receive advice and recharge their batteries away from the tumult of the street. It is a space for recreation, expression and playful learning of the rules of life in society.
Artistic mediation workshops are offered (theatre, dance, music, cinema, crafts, pre-socialisation workshops).
3 tutoring sessions were conducted respectively for street children and vulnerable children.
50 children received psychological follow-up.
50 special events were organized at the centre.
The year 2018 was the year of awareness. Several meetings and events took place.
In December 2018, a meeting with Florent Fricaudet, coordinator of Niger for the ICS federation, took place in order to work on the 2018 action plan. In July, a visit was made by the centre for abandoned children to carry out an overview of the children's situation and to discuss a possible placement of children supported by CSN.
Awareness-raising took several forms:
On September 11, 2019, during a convivial meal with the children. Objective: to raise awareness of the harmful effects of life on the street.
An awareness-raising workshop on the theme of beggars organized every weekend. Objective: to sensitise beggars in the streets in order to convince them to abandon the street and enrol their children in school
In order to continue in this direction and to develop the centre's activities, one of the major objectives for 2020 is to finance the total schooling of the children accommodated at the CSN centre.

Fin 2020, des travaux de construction de la clôture ont débuté pour construire un nouveau foyer sur un terrain, propriété de l'association. Celui-ci permet de continuer à accueillir une vingtaine de jeunes de 8 à 18 ans qui vivent au Foyer.
En effet, le centre propose une prise en charge complète à une vingtaine de jeunes garçons ainsi qu'un accueil de jour pour la formation des jeunes filles.
Grâce à un financement du réseau ESPPER et la participation de généreux donateurs au Niger et en France, les travaux de construction des bâtiments ont débuté en janvier 2021 !